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Decision made regarding the Vehicle Shopping Rule – now what?

Check out five key takeaways from the Vehicle Shopping Rule to keep your dealership safe from FTC enforcement actions.

NADA 2025 Sign surrounded by snow in New Orleans

NADA 2025: Working in a Winter Wonderland

This year's show proved that the auto industry can handle anything. If you couldn't make it, find out what happened in the Reynolds booth.

The Future of Variable Ops with Experts at NADA 2025

Explore how AI is transforming variable operations in automotive retailing with insights from NADA 2025. Learn about efficiency, profitability, and fraud prevention from industry leaders.

Parts main page

Customize Your Parts Main Page

The Parts Main Page is your default landing page. When you first open Parts, there are 12 default links that display. If you find you’re

Man in office drowning in paper

Who Is Running Your Dealership: You or Paper?

Take a step back and look at how much paper is controlling your dealership. Every deal you complete involves nearly 39 feet of paper. When

Salesperson talking to customer

Rethink Service: How to Capture Every Opportunity

As automotive retailers, we make every effort to scout, greet, qualify, and sell to potential customers on the front end. We advertise in print, digital,

Leftovers in fridge

True Stories: “Amazon is eating your lunch on accessories.”

In August 2016, Amazon launched Amazon Vehicles, a vehicle research portal and automotive community for car shoppers. Many automotive media stories have discussed the potential

Man checking time

Efficiency Series: Be a Master of Your Time

Everyone gets the same 24 hours in day, but how are some people able to accomplish more than others in that same time frame? Better

Change definition

3 Tips to Make Your Next BIG Change Yield BIG Results

Change is the only constant since the beginning of time. Yet, it remains one of the most difficult things to do. The majority of people struggle

Salesperson talking to couple

Keep Your Dealership in the Palm of Your Hand

Mobile technology is changing lives. How do you get your breaking news? How do you take photos? What’s the last thing you do before bed?