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Efficiency Series: Be a Master of Your Time

Man checking time
Article Highlights:

  • How are some people able to accomplish more in the same 24 hours?
  • Becoming a master of your time… takes time.

Everyone gets the same 24 hours in day, but how are some people able to accomplish more than others in that same time frame?

Better time management is the tired but true answer. Here are some concrete tips to help you become a master of your own time:

  1. Map out your day.

Before diving into work, take a few minutes to plot your schedule. Look at your calendar and visualize your tasks and when you will be doing them. For instance, your first couple hours could consist of reviewing reports on the previous day’s performance or accomplishments. After, take 20 minutes to call or email customers celebrating birthdays. Then a few hours could be dedicated to meetings with customers or co-workers. If possible, include your breaks in your schedule as well. Picturing your day can help you carry out your plan and follow through.

  1. Prioritize tasks.

If you’re juggling multiple responsibilities simultaneously, it’s simply impossible to do everything at once. This is where prioritization comes in. Consider goals, deadlines, urgency, and amount of work required when prioritizing tasks. Tending to a comeback or unsatisfied customer would be considered urgent and usually takes top priority. If you don’t have any urgent to-dos, it is best to tackle the hardest job first.

  1. Work smarter, not harder.

Assess your current processes and tools. Are there ways you can cut down time on some of your tasks? Small things like using keyboard shortcuts or navigating fewer screens can make a big difference. Make sure you have the best tools to help you maximize your time and be more efficient.


Becoming a master of your time… takes time. Practice the simple tips above until they become second nature. Before you know it, you’ll be more efficient than you’ve ever been.

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Angela Panganiban was a Marketing Communications Professional at Reynolds and Reynolds. Prior to Reynolds, she worked in Advertising, PR, and Marketing for top corporations in the Philippines. She received her Communications degree from Ateneo de Manila University.

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