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Dealership Wide

Passions, ideas, and opportunities for driving innovation and growth throughout your entire dealership.

Phone hanging off the hook

5 Phone Mistakes That Will Cost You Business

When you consider your phone system, your first thought is probably, “it’s just a phone system.” I’d like to challenge that thought. With pressing shifts

Men exchanging payment

Replacing a Transaction With an Experience

Consumers demand more from a purchase than ever before. A purchase is no longer just a transaction, it’s an experience. It starts when they Google

A+ grade

Quiz: How are your phone skills?

Last year, we gave you 10 tips to handling inbound phone calls. If you’ve implemented any of these changes in your dealership, you should be

Boy holding can on a string to his ear

6 Reasons You Should LISTEN to Phone Calls

The phone is a critical point of contact in your dealership. It’s one of the few tools that connects your business inside and out. Have


The Numbers Behind Employee Theft

A lot of dealers think “Employee theft won’t happen to me” or, “I trust my employees.” But the numbers around employee theft tell a different

Man stepping into trap

Series: How Does Employee Theft Happen – Part 3

In the previous articles in this series, we examined why theft happens and how it happens. If you missed those articles, check them out below:

Movers moving boxes

Series: How does employee theft happen? – Part 2

In the previous article in this series, we examined the Fraud Triangle and the why behind employee theft. If you missed that article, you can

Man leaving office holding box

5 things you can do to prevent good employees from leaving your…

One of the key struggles I continue to hear from dealers is the inability to attract and retain employees. Turnover has become a normal part

Leftovers in fridge

Series: How does employee theft happen? Part 1

Recently, we shared an article about five ways employee theft can occur at a dealership. While it’s important to implement processes to protect your dealership,

Man pushing out of comfort zone

Leave the Comfort of Your Dealership to Better Your Business

If you’re a parent who’s sent a child to college, you know how intimidating the life change can be. You also know the new experiences