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3 Tips to Build a Better Check-In

GoMoto better check-in

Service check-in is a foundational part of every service visit, but when is the last time you stopped to evaluate the process? Your service advisors

Do's and Don'ts of AI

Do’s and Don’ts of Automation

AI is the next level of automation. Let's go back to the basics and think about some of the do’s and don’ts of automation.

Baseball resting on foul line

Three Things Baseball Can Remind Us About Funding a Deal

As we head into summer, there are many things to look forward to, like children laughing in the park and ice cream trucks spreading familiar

What an Effective Cyber Team Looks Like

Having an effective cyber team in place makes all the difference in whether your dealership falls victim to a cyberattack, but what does this kind

4 Tips for Creating Professional Service Videos that Get Results

Here are some tips and tricks to ensure you are putting the best service videos in front of your customers.

Build a Better Implementation Process

Implementing a new process or software is never easy. You’re altering your staff’s daily routines and they might not understand why changes are needed in

Old Model T car next to a fence

Lessons from a Trip Down Memory Lane

The legacy of the automotive industry is one of triumph and progression. One thing that comes to mind is the evolution of manufacturing. It’s hard

Maximizing Your Marketing Potential with QR Codes

Nearly 89 million US smartphone users scanned a QR code with their mobile devices in 2022 – a number predicted to reach more than 100

screenshot from episode 119 of the connected podcast

What a Car’s Worth — 3 Data Points to Consider

Dealers have known for decades that a unique market space requires a unique pricing strategy. That said, it’s always been difficult to quantify this logic.

tech reading someone's thumbprint

Protecting the Omnichannel Buying Experience with Effective Verification…

The US economy entering 2023 was much more strained compared to even the early days of the pandemic just a few short years ago. Inflation

How Mobile is Your Fixed Ops Department?

Quiz: How Mobile is Your Fixed Ops Department?

Mobility means more than just doing something on your phone. In your fixed operations department, it means success.

Robot hand fist bumping a human hand in a collaborative way

The Benefits of AI: Perfecting the Chat-to-Sales Hand-off

Over the last year, artificial intelligence (AI) has made headlines; and although it’s not necessarily new, it’s worth revisiting every so often to really consider

Cybersecurity: Then and Now

While the first computer went online in 1945, the first recorded cyberattack wasn’t until 1970. And the word cybersecurity wasn’t even added to the dictionary