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Jeff Adams

Product Planning, Reynolds and Reynolds

Jeff Adams is the director of product management for fixed operations. Over his 35-year career, he has overseen multiple products, including Service Price Guides and Advanced Service. He has also had roles in the Technical Assistance Center and New Product Implementation. 

Articles by Jeff Adams:

Image of a virus.

Does your S-P-G have the F-L-U?

Are you service pricing guides fully utilized or have they come down with the flu?

3 Things the NFL and Your Fixed Ops Department Have in Common

The similarities between your fixed ops department and the NFL.

Stopwatch laid on a pile of papers and calendar

Three Parts and Service Steps for Success in the New Year

Starting the new year in a good place begins by evaluating current utilization, performance, and profitability. Once you understand your current position, you can move

How Mobile is Your Fixed Ops Department?

Quiz: How Mobile is Your Fixed Ops Department?

Mobility means more than just doing something on your phone. In your fixed operations department, it means success.

From Track to Bay: What You Can Learn from the Efficiency of F1 Pit Crews

In the high-speed world of Formula One (F1), races are often won or lost in the pit. Let’s see how your service department can adopt

Person in car holding phone with rideshare app.

Offering Rideshares in Service: Easy as 1, 2, 3

Your customers are looking for a service experience that accommodates their needs. Think about an alternative option offering rideshares.

Could your parts department use a spring cleaning?

Now that the winter chill has melted away, and the flowers have started to bloom, it’s the perfect time to wipe the slate clean for

New Year, New Fixed Operations: Prioritizing Customer Experience

That “new year, new me” mantra is difficult enough to achieve on a personal level, let alone an organizational one. As the holiday season comes

Engage with your service customers in the waiting room.

4 Ways to Engage with Waiters in Service

You worked hard to get customers in your store, don't let them slip through your fingers.

service technician working on vehicle

The 3 Biggest Challenges of Being a Technician

Technicians are hard to find, and once you do, most aren’t satisfied with their jobs. In fact, 79% of technicians have considered leaving the industry.