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Parts and Service

Resources for boosting efficiency and maximizing profitability across the parts and service departments.

Chalkboard with repeated stick figures

3 Things Missing From Your Service Drive That Are Hurting Your Customer…

As we discussed in the first article of this series, the check-in process is the most important area in service to focus customer experience because

Puzzle pieces

3 Things Missing From Your Service Drive That Are Hurting Your Customer…

Customer experience. You know you need to care about it and should always aim to improve it. But why? Is it because OEMs put so

Kiosk with key drop off service

The 24/7 Drop Box: Round-the-Clock Kiosk Access Boosts Customer…

If there’s one insight retailers can take away from 2020, it might be consumers’ appetite for contactless processes, flexibility, and convenience is only growing stronger.

Service center exterior

People, Process, Placement: A Sneak Peek at NADA 2021

Implementing new technology into the dealership is important to stay relevant in our ever-changing world, but it’s easy to drown in the tips, advice, and

Man taking pictures of vehicle

4 Tips for Service Recommendation Videos

Video technology is rapidly growing in the automotive space, with one of the major surges coming from the service department. Why? Ninety percent of consumers

vehicle behind closed gate

How Service Departments Can Prevail in Today’s Economy

It’s no secret 2020 upset many aspects of consumers’ day-to-day lives, leaving a general sense of unease. Between threats of job loss, shutdowns, and the

Computer mouse

The Advantage to Online Parts Sales You Didn’t Know You Had

A rise in e-commerce has affected vehicle parts sales. Learn how your dealership can shift your parts department’s digital presence to capture the increase in

Upset and happy satisfied meter

5 Ways to Prevent Distrust in Service

It’s no secret some consumers have a sense of distrust when it comes to dealerships and dealership service departments. The major pain point: the fear

Connected Podcast: Fixed Ops Best Practices

Fixed Ops Best Practices Podcast Episode

We recently sat down with Reynolds and Reynolds specialist, Dave Bowling, to discuss technology he’s seeing service departments use to keep customers and employees happy

Abstract galaxy

This is the Way: 4 Lessons for Fixed Operations

With the Star Wars universe releasing another season of The Mandalorian on Disney+, we are all ready to binge all the episodes at once. We