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Parts and Service

Resources for boosting efficiency and maximizing profitability across the parts and service departments.

Man checking in at the airport via kiosk

Technology Trends: Self-Service Kiosks

More and more retailers are using technology that allows customers to check in and out quickly, without the need to meet with someone face-to-face. While

Vehicle hang tag hanging from rearview mirror

3 Ways Hang Tags Can Improve Inventory

Dealerships across the nation are facing the same new and used vehicle inventory challenges due to a perfect storm of chip manufacturing shortages and a

Mobile phone with QR code

QR Codes: The Mobile Movement Happening Now

QR (short for Quick Response) codes have been around since 1994; however, it wasn’t until almost three decades later they became more of a solution

Gauge meter showing low and high risk levels

Liabilities Putting Your Service Department At Risk

In a world where everything can be done securely at our fingertips, why do we continue to spend time doing tasks manually that open ourselves

Different parts that make up a vehicle

Technology: Not a Quick Fix, but a Piece of the Process

In 1918, the United Kingdom painted the first separating lines on the roads due to high accident rates.

Service advisor at desk answering phone

3 Ways to Eliminate Distractions for Your Advisors

Service managers, you know your advisors are busy. You know they play a pretty significant role in your success. In fact, nearly 75% of calls

The Changing Landscape: Digital Experiences in Service

The Changing Landscape: How to Surpass Expectations in Service

As dealers continue to digitize more and more of their operations, finding the right balance between physical and digital customer interactions has become trickier. There’s

Graphic work of parts and service icons

What You Need To Know About Used Car Reconditioning

Time to market (cycle time) is crucial to the profitability of your used car inventory, so your goal should be to minimize it as much

Young girl scanning Disney wristband

3 Things Missing From Your Service Drive That Are Hurting Your Customer…

Whether you’ve been to Disney World in the last few years or not, you most likely know about their MagicBands. These sporty wrist bands are

Takeout food sitting on front steps

3 Things Missing From Your Service Drive That Are Hurting Your Customer…

One of the best conveniences in life is ordering takeout. Having it show up on your doorstep is one of life’s simple pleasures. But the