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Parts and Service

Resources for boosting efficiency and maximizing profitability across the parts and service departments.

High gas prices at the pump

Inflation’s Impact on Service

Due to supply constraints and high demand, we’ve seen vehicle prices skyrocket over the last two years. And now we are also seeing other segments

Vehicle with popped hood

Closing the Gap on Open Recalls

Right now, over 50 million cars on the road in the U.S. have an open recall, according to CARFAX. Even though the NHTSA requires manufacturers to

service technician working on vehicle

The 3 Biggest Challenges of Being a Technician

Technicians are hard to find, and once you do, most aren’t satisfied with their jobs. In fact, 79% of technicians have considered leaving the industry.

Scheduling appointments online

A Flexible Service Experience Creates Lifetime Value

It should go without saying that one of dealers’ top goals for their business is sustainable, long-term profitability. While the day-to-day rush of dealership operations

Woman doing repairs and diagnose with mobile at auto repair shop

Customers Are Calling for a Mobile-Friendly Service Experience

As a customer of other businesses, would you rather: Wait in the restaurant or get a text on your phone when your table is ready?

Every fixed operations department should have a right-hand man.

Your Fixed Operations Department’s Right-Hand Man

Every fixed operations department needs a right-hand man to help assist in completing tasks.

Service kiosk station

Kiosks and Service Advisors: The Perfect Pair

Kiosks. Everywhere you look today, you can find a kiosk nearby. Many people appreciate the convenience they can offer and the tech-savvy experience, but others

Time vs money

How Can You Create More Time in Service?

Take a second and think about how you are measuring time in your dealership. Are you wasting it or saving it?

The Grinch Who Stole Service Revenue

It’s that time of year when Dr. Seuss’ iconic character makes his annual re-emergence in the classic 1966 cartoon How the Grinch Stole Christmas. As

Service mechanic leaning on vehicle, smiling.

The Service Experience Domino Effect

Everyone knows what the ideal customer experience in the service department looks like: quick, convenient, and transparent. Customers expect the focus to be on them,