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Dealer to Dealer

Actionable insights and stories gathered from dealers and automotive industry experts.

Woman on phone

Dealer Stories: How Scranton Motors Improved, One Call At A Time

The Ritz-Carlton is known for providing superior customer service and delivering personalized experiences to its guests. Hotel staff will go above and beyond to make

Salesperson handing customer USB

Hawthorne Chevrolet Found a New Approach to Customer Experience

In a world filled with technology, customers expectations have evolved. They demand quick, digital, and personalized. When your customers make it to F&I, are you

Customer signing on terminal pin pad

Uftring Automotive’s Time Saving Solution

Now more than ever, customers expect fast service and simple processes from all of their purchases. With companies such as Amazon implementing one-click purchases, fast

Salesperson handing over USB

CrossRoads Automotive Group Tackled Its Paper Monster

We can all agree paper is a dependency in dealerships. You need it for customer information, contracts, and service documents. But paper has significant costs