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3 Tips to Build a Better Check-In

GoMoto better check-in

Service check-in is a foundational part of every service visit, but when is the last time you stopped to evaluate the process? Your service advisors

Do's and Don'ts of AI

Do’s and Don’ts of Automation

AI is the next level of automation. Let's go back to the basics and think about some of the do’s and don’ts of automation.

Baseball resting on foul line

Three Things Baseball Can Remind Us About Funding a Deal

As we head into summer, there are many things to look forward to, like children laughing in the park and ice cream trucks spreading familiar

New way vs old way arrows

Transitioning to Dynamic Reporting: What You Need to Know

By now, you’ve probably started making the change from Report Generator to Dynamic Reporting. We are committed to helping you make that change. In the


Quiz: What kind of dealer are you?

You’ve been to make meetings so you know from experience: every dealer is different. The goals for your dealership might be similar, but how you get there


Digital Strategy Series: Pinpoint Precision With SEO and Social

Whether dealers are found by their customers, and how they build relationships with them, depends on what they say online and where they say it.

Family buying new vehicle

Dealership Stickiness: How First Appearances Make or Break a Deal

We’ve all heard the phrase website stickiness, but relatively few people have considered the concept of dealership stickiness. What I mean by this is providing

Bad resumes

Accessory Myth: “I have to hire more people.”

Accessory Myth #1: To add an accessory department, you would have to hire more people. One of the first concerns I hear when I talk about accessories

Group looing at computer monitor

Increase utilization to drive efficiency.

You know the old familiar saying, you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink. The same goes with the tools

Man handing over cash

Three Reasons Why You Overpay Your Worst People

Until dealers move to a non-negotiation system and consumers start buying 100% of their cars online, there is still an opportunity for anyone to make

Man looking tired

Better Reporting, Not Coffee, Will Amp Up Your Morning Routine

At the start of a typical day, you drive up to the dealership, walk to your office, and start sifting through information.  You have a

Salesperson handing over USB

CrossRoads Automotive Group Tackled Its Paper Monster

We can all agree paper is a dependency in dealerships. You need it for customer information, contracts, and service documents. But paper has significant costs

Man on mobile phone

Four Ways to Prevent Salespeople From Leaving With Your Customers

According to NADA, salespeople in the automotive industry have a turnover rate of 72%. That’s 38% higher than the turnover rate for other industries. Why is