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4 Ways to Utilize AI and Unlock Your Full Potential

hand touching a screen with a spark of light at the center

Artificial intelligence improves our lives in so many ways and accessibility and convenience should extend beyond personal time.

Golf ball resting on yellow golf tee.

Caddy Credentials: 3 Traits to Look for in a Supportive Partner

There are a lot of factors that go into making a top notch DMS partner. A lot of similarities can be drawn to another type

A scale with a clock on one side and money on the other.

Track Your Contracts in Transit With the Heat Sheet

One of the most important metrics you monitor in F&I is your contracts in transit. With ERA-IGNITE F&I Heat Sheet, tracking your funding is simplified.

Employee working at their desk

Customization Options to Improve Your Workflow

When you customize your software, you can help streamline your operations.

3 Tips to Improve Knowledge at Your Dealership

How can you promote knowledge and training to employees?

Billboard that reads Top 5 in blue and black lettering

Top 5 Readers’ Choice Articles of 2022

We looked at our own content to identify what readers liked the most, and compiled them here in case you missed it (or you just

My Inquiries screen is used to search for specific information in the Accounting application.

Quick and Easy Inquiries in ERA-IGNITE Accounting

ERA-IGNITE Accounting offers many shortcuts and pathways to retrieve the information a dealership needs to keep its books in order. One simplification feature to help

QPC F&I/Desking result screen with hot keys

Quick Tips: How to Utilize Quick Process Cards

This article was written by Justin S., a Software Education Representative. Are you new to ERA-IGNITE? Or maybe a more seasoned user, but want to