Scott Worthington
Articles by Scott Worthington:

5 things you can do to prevent good employees from leaving your…
One of the key struggles I continue to hear from dealers is the inability to attract and retain employees. Turnover has become a normal part…

Series: How does employee theft happen? Part 1
Recently, we shared an article about five ways employee theft can occur at a dealership. While it’s important to implement processes to protect your dealership,…

5 Ways Employee Theft Happens
It’s hard to imagine someone in your dealership stealing from you, but for many dealers that’s reality. We all believe we can trust our employees and…

Drowning in Paper? Start Taking Control of Your Processes
An F&I manager once shared with me a work-stress nightmare he’d had. Trapped in his office in a steadily rising sea of paper, he was…

Create a Roadmap to Digitization: 3 Reasons to Take Action Today
If I asked you to drive to a place where you’ve never been before, how would you know how to get there? Would you reach…