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Parts and Service

Resources for boosting efficiency and maximizing profitability across the parts and service departments.

Advisor showing customer her vehicle

4 Tips for Upselling in Fixed Ops

Look at the number of customers who visit your parts and service departments each day. Now compare that number with your sales floor traffic. Most

Customer getting her keys

Digital Strategy Series: Quality Leads From Your Dealer Data

Digital marketing is a crucial part of how dealers capture customer attention and attract people to the dealership. But, with all of the digital channels

Man jumping over holes

3 Major Pitfalls Keeping You Out of the Accessory Game

Where does the accessory sale typically fall short? It’s not really the sale; that’s the easy part. It’s the pricing, part ordering, part delivery, installation,

Three Easy Ways to Capture More Profit in Parts

I hear it all the time, “parts is partsthere’s not a whole lot we can change about our processes back there.” Not true. With automotive

Technician working on vehicle

True Stories: “Some dealerships do service right… but could…

Up to 80% of customers who buy a vehicle from a dealership do not return for customer pay service work two years after the sale,

Person speaking into megaphone

Communicate Your Value: The Right Branding Makes All the Difference

Every day you set out to manage the best service department possible. That means focusing on customer service, managing your staff, and planning strategically to

Risk meter

How Open ROs Affect Your Service Department

Whether it’s a matter of convenience or a force of habit, service departments are routinely leaving ROs open when they should be closed. If a

Parts main page

Customize Your Parts Main Page

The Parts Main Page is your default landing page. When you first open Parts, there are 12 default links that display. If you find you’re

Salesperson talking to customer

Rethink Service: How to Capture Every Opportunity

As automotive retailers, we make every effort to scout, greet, qualify, and sell to potential customers on the front end. We advertise in print, digital,

Woman on mobile device

True Stories: “The recall said shards of metal could fly out and…

The last few years have brought an alarming number of recalls to the market, prompting owners to unexpectedly return their cars to the dealership for repairs.