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4 Ways to Utilize AI and Unlock Your Full Potential
Artificial intelligence improves our lives in so many ways and accessibility and convenience should extend beyond personal time.
Caddy Credentials: 3 Traits to Look for in a Supportive Partner
There are a lot of factors that go into making a top notch DMS partner. A lot of similarities can be drawn to another type…
Track Your Contracts in Transit With the Heat Sheet
One of the most important metrics you monitor in F&I is your contracts in transit. With ERA-IGNITE F&I Heat Sheet, tracking your funding is simplified.
4 (+1) Car Buying Trends Setting the Pace
I wrote about upcoming car buying trends just shy of one year ago. Since then, those trends are still front and center. In fact, new…
3 Big Trends to Keep Your Eye On
I often tell people, “our world will not be the same in two years as it is today.” And that is abundantly clear in our…