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Quarterbacking Your Deals: The Strategic Advantage of eContracting
As the college football season approaches, dealerships can gain valuable insights from the strategic capabilities of college football teams. Just as quarterbacks must think on…
Track Your Contracts in Transit With the Heat Sheet
One of the most important metrics you monitor in F&I is your contracts in transit. With ERA-IGNITE F&I Heat Sheet, tracking your funding is simplified.
Breaking Down a Bad Customer Experience and How to Overcome It
How to Overcome Customer Experience Road Bumps in Your Service Drive
Creating Consistency in Your Sales Experience: Connecting With Your OEM
Back in August, Nissan announced they were expanding their EV portfolio and making changes to their retail strategy. They want to align the OEM and…
Accessible, Accurate, Actionable: The 3 A’s Behind Optimizing Your…
Customer information is essential to any dealership’s daily operations, and making sure your data is available to you in real-time is the key to achieving…
The Power of Managing the Now
You have plenty of tools and processes to manage before the sale. Your ad budget is robust, your website showcases your inventory, you capture leads,…