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Quarterbacking Your Deals: The Strategic Advantage of eContracting

football player standing on a field in a stadium

As the college football season approaches, dealerships can gain valuable insights from the strategic capabilities of college football teams. Just as quarterbacks must think on

A scale with a clock on one side and money on the other.

Track Your Contracts in Transit With the Heat Sheet

One of the most important metrics you monitor in F&I is your contracts in transit. With ERA-IGNITE F&I Heat Sheet, tracking your funding is simplified.

Image of different facial expressions.

Breaking Down a Bad Customer Experience and How to Overcome It

How to Overcome Customer Experience Road Bumps in Your Service Drive

ipad with Google displayed on screen

Build a (Google) Profile You Can Be Proud Of

Your customer is searching for a trustworthy mechanic. If your dealership doesn’t appear, how could they possibly choose you? That’s where your Google Business Profile