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NADA 2025: 3 Reasons Why Reynolds is the Most Excited We’ve Ever Been

Reynolds and Reynolds President, Chris Walsh, shares three reasons why he’s more excited for NADA 2025 than ever before.

Why Your Data Is Wickedly Underutilized

In today’s digital world, your data is your most valuable factor for success, especially your first-party data. But the thing is, there’s potential for it

Year in Review: Ten Popular Stories from 2024

Take a look at the top Fuel articles and Connected episodes from 2024.

3 Steps to Better Lead Generation

It’s no secret: cars are expensive these days. The average new car price is up almost five percent from where it was a year ago

Robotic hand reaching out to touch human hand.

From Bots to Buyers: How AI is Changing Dealerships

Learn how to navigate the exciting landscape of Artificial Intelligence, and how it can help your dealership thrive in this new age of technology.

illustration of a hand holding a car with icons floating around it

Your Guide to Converting Service Customers to Sales Ones

Every person that comes to your dealership has the potential to leave as a valued sales customer. That includes those individuals only stopping in to

line of car bumpers in a dealership parking lot

Finding (and Acquiring) Quality Used Cars in Today’s Market

In today’s market, your dealership’s ability to acquire quality used cars is the difference between getting ahead of the competition and sending your customers right

Letter blocks on table, spelling "change"

3 Technology Tips to Help You Adapt to Change

You’ve seen more change to your business in the last year than you have the entire past decade. Not only have you had to adapt