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4 Ways to Utilize AI and Unlock Your Full Potential

hand touching a screen with a spark of light at the center

Artificial intelligence improves our lives in so many ways and accessibility and convenience should extend beyond personal time.

used car manager talking to techs

A Seamless Connection between Sales and Service

By fostering a seamless connection between these sales and service, you can create a holistic customer experience that not only drives sales but also ensures

Tips You Can Learn From Free Agency To Help With Customer Retention

When it’s the offseason for a sports league, it can be a dull time for fans. However, free agency can add some excitement, as it’s

Sleighing the Reporting Game: Digitizing Your Business Office

The enchantment of the holiday season is undeniable. As the living room fireplace crackles with life, its warmth greets you with a cozy embrace. Fresh

Woman cleaning desk

Spring Cleaning: De-clunking and De-cluttering in F&I

A year in the life of a dealership is a long time, but it can pass quickly. Before you know it, another fiscal year begins,

Time vs money

How Can You Create More Time in Service?

Take a second and think about how you are measuring time in your dealership. Are you wasting it or saving it?

Gauge meter showing low and high risk levels

Liabilities Putting Your Service Department At Risk

In a world where everything can be done securely at our fingertips, why do we continue to spend time doing tasks manually that open ourselves