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The Pizza Playbook – What Ordering Pizza Teaches Us About F&I

Pizza in a pan

For as long as I can remember, my family had “pizza night” every week. Without fail, every Friday evening we’d all gather around the computer

A Lesson in Process and Patience

It was my first Christmas Eve as a parent. Among the piles of brightly colored gifts, I was most excited to give my daughter the classic

NADA 2025: 3 Reasons Why Reynolds is the Most Excited We’ve Ever Been

Reynolds and Reynolds President, Chris Walsh, shares three reasons why he’s more excited for NADA 2025 than ever before.

three people in a conference room looking at a screen with data on it

A Dealer’s Transition to GA4: Next Steps

Learning curves will naturally arise with change, but there are some things your dealership can do now to make the transition from UA to GA4

person looking at analytics on a laptop

A Dealer’s Transition to GA4: Preparing Now

We have some helpful information to share with your dealership on making this transition to GA4 smooth and positively impactful for your business.