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Quarterbacking Your Deals: The Strategic Advantage of eContracting

football player standing on a field in a stadium

As the college football season approaches, dealerships can gain valuable insights from the strategic capabilities of college football teams. Just as quarterbacks must think on

A scale with a clock on one side and money on the other.

Track Your Contracts in Transit With the Heat Sheet

One of the most important metrics you monitor in F&I is your contracts in transit. With ERA-IGNITE F&I Heat Sheet, tracking your funding is simplified.

Image of different facial expressions.

Breaking Down a Bad Customer Experience and How to Overcome It

How to Overcome Customer Experience Road Bumps in Your Service Drive

The Unsung Superheroes of Your Dealership

Dealers are some of the greatest entrepreneurs in the world, but they don’t operate the business alone. Many will tell you that taking care of

Sleighing the Reporting Game: Digitizing Your Business Office

The enchantment of the holiday season is undeniable. As the living room fireplace crackles with life, its warmth greets you with a cozy embrace. Fresh


What Can Three Classic 70s Songs Teach Us About Dealership Operations?

What can your favorite 70s music teach you about dealership operations?

Stack of hands

Embrace Your Team in F&I

As an F&I manager, you might feel like a one-man show. Even if you are one of multiple F&I managers at your dealership, much of

Poker table

Are you gambling with your dealership’s cash flow?

Imagine you are at the casino and take a seat at a poker table. The dealer deals you a hand and without even looking at

Revenue generation

Turn Accounts Payable into Your Newest Revenue Generator

Your newest profit center is probably hiding in place sight in your dealership - it is just waiting for the right improvements.


New Year, New Business Office: The Tech You Need to Succeed

Today, technology is at the forefront of all business operations… or is it? Dealerships typically look to technology to improve customer experience and streamline operations

Pile of mailing envelopes on desk

A/P and A/R: The New Mailing Headaches You Can Avoid

Pause. If you aren’t mailing A/P checks to vendors and A/R statements to customers, this article isn’t for you, because you’ve streamlined your processes and

Gauge meter showing low and high risk levels

Liabilities Putting Your Service Department At Risk

In a world where everything can be done securely at our fingertips, why do we continue to spend time doing tasks manually that open ourselves

Fake news

3 Document Storage Myths Exposed

Change is inevitable. But it’s also hard to accept and understand. In our industry, one change becoming a prominent force is digital document storage. Physical