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Quarterbacking Your Deals: The Strategic Advantage of eContracting

football player standing on a field in a stadium

As the college football season approaches, dealerships can gain valuable insights from the strategic capabilities of college football teams. Just as quarterbacks must think on

A scale with a clock on one side and money on the other.

Track Your Contracts in Transit With the Heat Sheet

One of the most important metrics you monitor in F&I is your contracts in transit. With ERA-IGNITE F&I Heat Sheet, tracking your funding is simplified.

Image of different facial expressions.

Breaking Down a Bad Customer Experience and How to Overcome It

How to Overcome Customer Experience Road Bumps in Your Service Drive

Reviewing data

4 Things Every Dealership Can Do to Prepare for Future Success

Right now, your dealership is successful and running smoothly. That’s a great first step towards ensuring future success, but there’s always more work to do.

Puzzle pieces

The Three S’s of Utilization: Improving the Use of Your Tech Stack

When your business changes, how do you keep everyone on track for success and keep everything running efficiently?

A Toy car and wrench surrounded bypass toy gears

Recon to Front Line Best Practices

Reconditioning vehicles and getting them to the front line as fast as possible is more important than ever.  It’s one of the few controllables surrounding

Letter blocks on table, spelling "change"

3 Technology Tips to Help You Adapt to Change

You’ve seen more change to your business in the last year than you have the entire past decade. Not only have you had to adapt