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4 Ways to Utilize AI and Unlock Your Full Potential

hand touching a screen with a spark of light at the center

Artificial intelligence improves our lives in so many ways and accessibility and convenience should extend beyond personal time.

3 Recall Scares to Avoid

Three recall tips to help you avoid spooky fines and lost service business.

used car manager talking to techs

A Seamless Connection between Sales and Service

By fostering a seamless connection between these sales and service, you can create a holistic customer experience that not only drives sales but also ensures

Man that is blindfolded

True Story: Buying Blindfolded

Every day, millions of consumers buy products online. Whether it’s Amazon, your local grocery store, or a nation-wide chain, each time you buy online you’re

Pregnant woman and her husband talking to a salesperson.

True Stories: A Better Buying Experience The Second Time Around

Seven years ago, I told the unpleasant story of my first “real” vehicle purchase. But, I learned the warning signs to watch for. Here's a