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NADA 2025: 3 Reasons Why Reynolds is the Most Excited We’ve Ever Been
Reynolds and Reynolds President, Chris Walsh, shares three reasons why he’s more excited for NADA 2025 than ever before.
Why Your Data Is Wickedly Underutilized
In today’s digital world, your data is your most valuable factor for success, especially your first-party data. But the thing is, there’s potential for it…
Year in Review: Ten Popular Stories from 2024
Take a look at the top Fuel articles and Connected episodes from 2024.
Utilizing Tech to Acquire Highly Profitable Inventory
Over the last few years, you’ve probably grown accustomed to sourcing used vehicles from a variety of places, but acquiring a decent sized inventory is…
The Art of Making Fast, Accurate, and Profitable Inventory Decisions
In the used vehicle world, speed and accuracy are the name of the game. Whether you’re bidding on cars at auction or working a trade,…
What a Car’s Worth — 3 Data Points to Consider
Dealers have known for decades that a unique market space requires a unique pricing strategy. That said, it’s always been difficult to quantify this logic.…
Finding (and Acquiring) Quality Used Cars in Today’s Market
In today’s market, your dealership’s ability to acquire quality used cars is the difference between getting ahead of the competition and sending your customers right…
Inventory Insights from Wiesner of Huntsville
For over a year now, low vehicle inventory has challenged dealers to think outside the box. Creativity is surely welcomed, but let’s not forget about…
Struggling to Acquire Used Car Inventory? Marketing Can Help.
You don’t need to create a whole new game plan to find the used vehicles you want for your lot. Instead, you just have to…