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Jessica Quattro

Product Planning Manager, Reynolds and Reynolds

Jessica is product planning manager at Reynolds and Reynolds for sales based applications.

Articles by Jessica Quattro:

Woman in tooth pain

Root Canal or Deal Negotiation?

Why is it some car buyers don’t see much of a difference between the two?

Saleswoman showing a customer her tablet

Mitigating High Sales Turnover

There has been undeniably high employee turnover across nearly every industry in 2021. The automotive industry has not been spared with of a turnover rate

Managing the Now

The Power of Managing the Now

You have plenty of tools and processes to manage before the sale. Your ad budget is robust, your website showcases your inventory, you capture leads,

Your CRM is Causing Bad Ripple Effects

Most people have a love-hate relationship with their CRM tool. In fact, Accent says only 13% of sales teams are satisfied with theirs. That’s because

Man holding mobile phone on vehicle lot

3 Ways to Train and Retain on a Smartphone

With 67% annual turnover among salespeople, your dealership needs to focus on employee satisfaction and retention. From the very start and throughout their career, push

Salesperson shaking couple's hands

Better Handle Prospects From Hello

49% of prospects are walk-ins1. That means half the people coming to your store do not have an appointment and haven’t given you any information

Fixing bridge

Bridging the Gap: Identify New Sales Opportunities Between Service and the…

There’s a communication breakdown that’s been plaguing dealerships for years between the sales floor and the service department. When I say communication breakdown, what I’m

Free brake inspection sign

Breathe New Life Into Your Service Marketing

Most dealers know the service department, with its steady flow of jobs and reliable revenue streams, serves as the financial backbone of the dealership. Vehicle