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3 Ways to Train and Retain on a Smartphone

Man holding mobile phone on vehicle lot
Article Highlights:

  • Provide guidelines and motivation.
  • Help improve with goals and feedback.

With 67% annual turnover among salespeople, your dealership needs to focus on employee satisfaction and retention. From the very start and throughout their career, push your salespeople towards growth with personalized training and ongoing feedback. One-on-one coaching is the most effective way to do this, but it takes a lot of time – time you don’t always have. Supplementing with technology can have a huge impact on performance and retention.

Here are three ways a mobile CRM application can help your dealership with training and retaining your sales team:

1. Provide a Standard

A CRM tool is vital for salespeople to control the sales process, but they don’t always have access to the information needed when working the floor or showroom. With a mobile application on their smartphone, you can coach salespeople through each step to help teach the process and deliver a streamlined buying experience. Your sales force can confidently carry out the sale regardless of their individual skill level. By requiring certain steps, you can establish defined expectations and reinforce training for every salesperson.

2. Motivate With Individual Goals

Give your salespeople the ability to track their own progress. From their phone, each salesperson can complete activities and tasks as they go about their day. They can track their performance and observe areas for improvement and success. This gives your team a chance to gauge their own strengths, weaknesses, and overall performance to discover any needs or new goals. It also provides discussion points for those one-on-one coaching sessions – how the salesperson could do better, what they need to work on, and how they can meet their goals and better contribute to the dealership.

3. Improve Through Feedback

Feedback is necessary to grow as an employee. It’s also an opportunity for you to encourage improvement across your team. Employers who implement regular feedback have 14.9% lower turnover rates than those who give little to no feedback. With a manager-focused application that directly pairs with employees’ mobile applications, you can monitor each salesperson’s status and progress in a sales cycle while overseeing performance to provide constructive feedback. Your sales force wants to continue growing and needs your input to succeed in their role.

In order to retain salespeople, dealerships need to focus on job satisfaction. The best way to encourage retention is by helping your sales team thrive in a convenient and efficient way. Invest in your employees to reduce turnover, increase job satisfaction, and improve sales success.

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Product Planning Manager, Reynolds and Reynolds

Jessica is product planning manager at Reynolds and Reynolds for sales based applications.

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