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The Pizza Playbook – What Ordering Pizza Teaches Us About F&I

Pizza in a pan

For as long as I can remember, my family had “pizza night” every week. Without fail, every Friday evening we’d all gather around the computer

NADA 2025: 3 Reasons Why Reynolds is the Most Excited We’ve Ever Been

Reynolds and Reynolds President, Chris Walsh, shares three reasons why he’s more excited for NADA 2025 than ever before.

Image of a virus.

Does your S-P-G have the F-L-U?

Are you service pricing guides fully utilized or have they come down with the flu?

old black and white image of a man driving a car

The Evolution of Cars and Consumer Expectations

Have you ever thought about how far the automotive industry has come since the creation of the first car? From three-wheeled cars to punch-inducing Volkswagen Beetles

Reviewing data

4 Things Every Dealership Can Do to Prepare for Future Success

Right now, your dealership is successful and running smoothly. That’s a great first step towards ensuring future success, but there’s always more work to do.

Do's and Don'ts of AI

Do’s and Don’ts of Automation

AI is the next level of automation. Let's go back to the basics and think about some of the do’s and don’ts of automation.

Baseball resting on foul line

Three Things Baseball Can Remind Us About Funding a Deal

As we head into summer, there are many things to look forward to, like children laughing in the park and ice cream trucks spreading familiar

Bringing Balance to the (Work) Force: Jedi Tactics for Defeating a…

As we celebrate May the 4th, let’s look beyond the stars and into our service departments, where a challenger nearly as daunting as Darth Vader

3 Reasons You Need a CRM in Your Service Drive

If you’re not currently using a customer relationship management (CRM) tool in your service department, you’re probably wondering if it’s worth having. I present the

Woman working at her computer

Configuring Posting Screens in ERA-IGNITE Accounting

If most of your day is spent posting to the journal, try starting in posting mode instead of starting in search mode.