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Streamlining Vehicle Service Contract Claims

When talking to service advisors one pain point consistently rises to the top: Vehicle Service Contract (VSC) claims. The process includes lengthy phone calls, repetitive…

ERA-IGNITE Keyboard Shortcuts (With Printable Reference Sheet)
Keyboard shortcuts can do wonders for your everyday tasks. Here’s an updated list of the most common shortcuts in ERA-IGNITE.

Frustrated Customers, Overloaded Employees: The True Cost of Outdated…
Since hanging up my hat as a service advisor in 2005, I can’t help but notice how little has changed in the way dealerships handle…

Turn Accounts Payable into Your Newest Revenue Generator
Your newest profit center is probably hiding in place sight in your dealership - it is just waiting for the right improvements.

New Year, New Business Office: The Tech You Need to Succeed
Today, technology is at the forefront of all business operations… or is it? Dealerships typically look to technology to improve customer experience and streamline operations…

A/P and A/R: The New Mailing Headaches You Can Avoid
Pause. If you aren’t mailing A/P checks to vendors and A/R statements to customers, this article isn’t for you, because you’ve streamlined your processes and…

Subtract Bad Processes for Positive Cash Flow
If numbers, data, and equations excite you, you might work in the business office. Day in and day out, you live in a world of…