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4 Simple Steps to Bring in More Kiosk Traffic

Dealership Kiosk
Article Highlights:

  • Get customers using your kiosk for better ROI.
  • How to make customers aware of your self-service check-in tool.

Technology is present everywhere in your dealership. When implementing new, valued-adding technology customers get to interact with, one of the most important aspects is making everyone aware of its capabilities. Internally, training sessions are usually sufficient enough in getting your employees to use and understand it. Externally is another story. Oftentimes, customers don’t know what it’s for, what it does, or that it’s even available. This puts the ROI of your new tech at risk.

Take the service drive, for example. You might have a way for your customers to check in for appointments using their mobile phone. How many of them actually do this? Do they realize they are able to? From a recent study, 40% of customers prefer to check in for their appointment on a kiosk or mobile device, but only 10.14% actually did. There is a clear divide in what consumers are doing versus what they prefer. Options like remote or self check-in have the potential to improve the service experience significantly, but not if no one uses it. At which point, your investment slowly turns into an expense.

Here are four steps to encourage your customers to use your new kiosks so you get the most out of your self-service kiosk investment.

Step 1: Digital Communication

To start off every appointment on the right foot, your customer communications should include promoting your service check-in kiosk. After an appointment is confirmed, your reminder email should feature messaging about mobile or kiosk check-in options and how they make life easier. Do you have remote check-in capabilities? Promote that! Is there an option to pay online? Mention it! Anything you have that can make the customer experience better should be placed on a pedestal.

In tandem with your direct, customer communication, social media is always a great way to promote dealership upgrades. Utilizing Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and even TikTok are great ways to get the message out that you have made the check-in process simpler at your dealership. Posting pictures or videos of customers using your kiosks can entice others to come to you, and take part in your service experience.

Step 2: Signage

Even though you may have communicated your new options digitally, it’s also important to advertise the check-in process in-store. It’s a good idea to have some displays showcasing your kiosk. Having an enticing sign highlighting clear benefits of using them allows customers to see the potential on their own. Take South Toyota for example. Their window signage clearly states what self-check-in means and how the customer can save even more time.

Dealership Kiosk

Step 3: Guide Them

When customers come into your service drive, let them know a self-service option exists! Greet them and ask them if they would like to check-in for their appointment using your sleek and intuitive kiosk. Showing customers it’s something you’d like them to use assures them it is there for a reason.

Step 4: Promotions

Lastly, to really hook those stubborn customers who don’t want to adopt new processes, catch them in a non-invasive way as they’re checking out and picking up their vehicle with vehicle hang tags. Where you might frequently offer discounts or promotions, instead use verbiage like, “Next time, skip the line. Check in for service on your mobile device.” … or “Drop your keys and go! Our 24/7 kiosk speeds up the check-in and out process.” This is the final push to get customers on board with your dealership’s new kiosk.

You put a lot of time and money into making your dealership as efficient and customer-centric as possible, but it doesn’t make an impact if customers aren’t shown the value. Getting the most return on your kiosk investment requires awareness you are investing in your dealership – and more importantly, in your customers.

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Product Planning, Reynolds and Reynolds

Cory Coler is a member of the fixed operations product planning team at Reynolds and Reynolds. He began his career in the automotive industry in 2001 at a Toyota retailer, becoming an ASE Certified Advisor and Toyota Certified Assistant Service Manager. In 2005, he joined Reynolds’ Service Price Guides (SPG) department in Tampa, Florida and quickly became a subject matter expert for the product. In 2014, he transitioned to his current role in Product Planning where he is responsible for the enhancement and design of several fixed operations applications.

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