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The Self-Led Service Revolution

Service kiosk
Article Highlights:

  • 85% of Americans have used a kiosk.
  • Kiosk are an easy way to boost upsells and trade-ins.

Customer preferences are constantly changing and also vary based on the individual. However, we see a trend within the retail environment that only seems to be growing.

When we look at kiosks, they provide the self-service option with a sleek, intuitive, modern consumer experience. Retale conducted a survey with the results showing 85% of Americans have used a kiosk and 49% of consumers want self-service kiosks at every store.

Kiosks are appearing more and more in the automotive space. In 2017 Walmart struck a deal to have kiosks for car buying incorporated into their retail space. Additionally, dealerships across the country are using kiosks in the service department and seeing great results including a positive impact by reducing check-in time, increasing upsells, and providing additional appraisal opportunities in the service drive.  At one store, 89 percent of users said the device made check-in easier and 98 percent said it answered all of their questions.

To meet rapidly shifting customer preferences, your store needs to have a method other than direct advisor-to-customer interactions to help attract different audiences to your service drive. If you want a larger audience of millennials/Gen Z, introverts, or consumers who love new technology, you need to provide a self-service option with customized presentations to keep them coming back.

If you are curious if your store would see success with a kiosk, check out this checklist from GoMoto and see how you stack up!

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Product Planning, Reynolds and Reynolds

Cory Coler is a member of the fixed operations product planning team at Reynolds and Reynolds. He began his career in the automotive industry in 2001 at a Toyota retailer, becoming an ASE Certified Advisor and Toyota Certified Assistant Service Manager. In 2005, he joined Reynolds’ Service Price Guides (SPG) department in Tampa, Florida and quickly became a subject matter expert for the product. In 2014, he transitioned to his current role in Product Planning where he is responsible for the enhancement and design of several fixed operations applications.

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