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Top 10 Fuel Articles of 2018

Bets of Fuel 2018
Article Highlights:

  • Top Ten articles of 2018.
  • Tips and tricks to improve profits in 2019.

As 2018 comes to a close, Reynolds and Reynolds would like to wish you a happy New Year. To celebrate another year of improving automotive retail, we wanted to give you a closer look at what the most popular FUEL articles this year had to offer.

Our top stories impacted every department of your dealership, and included tips on how to better utilize the resources you already have in more profitable ways. Below are the articles dealerships found most helpful in 2018:


1. ERA-IGNITE Keyboard Shortcuts (With Printable Reference Sheet)

Increase dealership-wide efficiency by utilizing this tool to help your employees learn ERA-IGNITE hotkeys.


2. Customize the Look of Your ERA-IGNITE or POWER Screens

Don’t overlook the simple, helpful personalization features included in your software.


3. Are Signatures Necessary?

Payment processes all around you are becoming more efficient. Find out how you can keep up with new developments.


4. How to Sell Accessories by NOT Selling Accessories

To win with accessories, you have to shift away from old-fashioned sales tactics.


5. 5 Reasons Why You Should Text Service Customers

Ensure you don’t have a gap in communication with an important service customer.


6. 3 Techniques to Help You Identify Customers Ready to Buy

It costs at least five times more to attract a new customer than it does to keep one. Is your dealership doing everything it can to keep current customers coming back?


7. New Hire Success Starts With 8 Simple Sales Steps

Dealers with the highest retention rates yield gross margins 3 – 4% higher than dealers with the lowest retention rates. What is your dealership doing to keep its talent?


8. 5 Questions to Determine Fixed Ops Efficiency: Appointments and Arrival

The appointment scheduling process is a customer’s first impression of your dealership. Are you putting your best foot forward?


9. 5 Questions to Determine Fixed Ops Efficiency: Write-up and Dispatch

Learn how to drive positive customer experiences and keep service customers coming back.


10. 3 Ways to Convince Your Customer to Finance Through Your Dealership

Have you rightfully earned your customer’s trust? Your answer may be the reason your F&I penetration rate is dwindling.


We hope these articles help your dealership succeed as you ring in 2019 and for years to come.

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Senior Vice President, Marketing, Reynolds and Reynolds

Kasi Edwards is senior vice president of marketing at Reynolds and Reynolds. She is responsible for all marketing, including branding, advertising, communications, market research, and delivery of dealership marketing services. During her 23-year career with Reynolds, she’s built an accomplished background in sales, marketing, and product management.

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