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4 Tips to Convert More Phone Leads

Man on the phone
Article Highlights:

  • Does your phone have enough power?
  • Follow these tips to avoid losing leads.

60% of dealers are not confident in how they manage incoming calls, and nearly one-third believe one in five calls are lost to a competitor[1]. Most dealers don’t realize how easy handling phone calls effectively can be.

How? The phone puts the power in your dealership’s hands.

It can be an informational tool, providing your team with everything about the caller. From detailed customer data to the customer’s interactions with your dealership, information can be pre-populated for employees to use to help seal the deal. Sounds powerful, right?

With power like this, you can have peace of mind that calls are answered appropriately and effectively. But to help capitalize on more of those leads, keep in mind these rules for success:

Prioritize call management. The phone call is the most important step in your marketing efforts. If leads aren’t managed, how do you expect to sell more vehicles or schedule new service appointments? By devoting time and effort into how your dealership manages calls, you can see where improvements are needed.

Create a structured phone process. The phone gives the first impression of the dealership, so consistent messaging should always be top of mind when handling leads. Start using the customer’s name during conversation, taking detailed messages, and asking for the appointment. Implementing a consistent, phone-handling system will help you see results.

Measure phone leads. What good is a phone lead if you can’t report on it? Who handled it? How was it handled? What were the results? Improvement can’t be made if performance isn’t evaluated.

Enforce accountability. If the information to drive a sale is front and center, is there an excuse for why it was ignored? Holding employees accountable helps create a team environment—though you’re accountable for your own tasks, you’re all working together toward a common goal.

At the end of the day, ensure the shopping experience is one of a kind for the consumer. After all, the power is in your hands to make it memorable and enticing. The question is, does your current phone have enough power?

[1] Dealer Marketing Magazine (2016)

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Reynolds Consulting Services

Alex produced tremendous results in his 10 years as sales manager, finance manager, and general manager for various dealerships throughout the country. He brought his skills to the Reynolds Consulting group in 2012, and is currently the West Region Manager. Alex specializes in helping dealerships adapt and succeed in the changing market through process and system improvements. His fixed ops skills have assisted dealerships with processes in both service and in parts.  He has also led a series of seminars for the Gulf States Toyota, Inc.

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