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The Rise of Social… Again

Social media bubbles
Article Highlights:

  • 44% of businesses are engaged in social media.
  • Three tips to increase your social media savvy.

By now, you know social media is a great way to promote your dealership online and get your name out there. You’re probably even using Facebook or Twitter. But how do you know you’re getting the most out of it? Is it working for you?

Did you know the number of people using some sort of social media keeps growing exponentially and isn’t going to stop anytime soon? According to a 2015 study by the Pew Research Center, 65% of all American adults use social media and 90% of those are 18-29, an age-range very likely to buy a car.

Having a social media presence is necessary to be competitive. Sproutsocial knows 44% of businesses use social media. How can you make it work for your dealership?

Here are three tips to help you navigate social media:

Have a Goal: Unlike your personal accounts, your dealership account should have a clear focus in mind. Gather a team in your dealership to define your goals. It could be anything from retaining service customers to bringing in better trade vehicles. The goal could change quarterly or monthly, but make it clear. If your finger is hovering over the ‘Post’ button, make sure to ask yourself, “Does this help us reach our goal?” If the answer’s no, reconsider posting it.

Utilize Your Customers: A customer who just bought a car could be a great online tool. She will post a photo of her new car and ask her 200-person network ‘What do you think of this?’  Provide a great customer experience, encourage customers to use social media and tag your dealership, and then sit back and enjoy your free advertising.

Be Ready For What’s Next: Instagram, Pinterest, and Snapchat.  What do these three social media platforms have in common? They each have over 100 million users monthly and the numbers are growing. You may already have Facebook and Twitter, but buying a car has always been a visual experience. These three outlets are very visual. Uploading pictures on Pinterest of cars in your inventory is an easy way for users to find your dealership.

It may take some planning, time, and commitment but by using these tips, you can turn your dealership into a social media mogul. Still feeling overwhelmed? Click here for more guidance into the world of social media.

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Randi Salyer was a Marketing Communications Professional at Reynolds and Reynolds. Prior to working at Reynolds, Randi graduated from Wright State University with a degree in Mass Communications and English.

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