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The RIGHT Technology for Employees Makes All the Difference

Salespeople talking
Article Highlights:

  • Ask your employees what tools they need to perform their best.
  • According to NADA, the dealership turnover rate for all positions is 39%.

Editor’s Note: This article was written by guest author Brett Slaughenhaupt, who was an intern in the Reynolds Marketing Communications department. Brett is a 3rd year English student at the University of Dayton.


During a time of high turnover rates, dealerships must do everything they can to create a welcoming environment for their employees. According to NADA’s 2015 Dealership Workforce Study, the average turnover rate for all dealership positions is 39% and 72% for sales.

At the same time, we are in the midst of a technological revolution – one that is directly impacting dealerships and the employees who work for them. Can you expect your employees to do well if they don’t understand the technology they are tasked with using – especially as it becomes a major tool in their work?

Here are 4 ways to create a better work experience through technology:

Be open to change

Listen to employee concerns and struggles with the technology they use—and then respond. Many times these issues will be based out of a natural apprehension of change and trying new things. Coming to an understanding will involve conversation to allow people to be heard in a constructive manner.

Look for satisfaction

When speaking to associates, focus less on how the technology will help the dealership and more on how it will help employees. According to Forbes, Millennials, who now make up the largest generation in the workforce, are proven to respond stronger to a work environment focused on employee satisfaction.

Practice what you preach

Be knowledgeable of the work you are asking your staff to do—including how to use the technology. Nothing shuts people down faster than management who asks things of their employees without knowing how to do it themselves.

Seek out employee feedback

Involve employees in workplace decisions when looking to add new technology. This will allow them to test out the different options and features to see which one works best. They will feel a stronger connection to the work they are doing and those they are doing it for, which, in turn, strengthens employee loyalty.


It goes without saying that happy employees lead to happy customers. Employees’ positive experiences will lead to a stronger work ethic, something customers will notice.

As a leader in your dealership, you have to focus as much on the emotional impact of technology as you would the monetary impact. Remember the technology doesn’t speak for your dealership, your staff does. It is vital to everyone’s success that your employees are comfortable and well-prepared for the work they are doing.

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