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In the Age of DVR – How Do You Make an Effective TV Commercial?

Article Highlights:

  • Over 62% of US households have at least one DVR.
  • Keep your logo and phone number on the screen.

DVRs, or Digital Video Recording Devices, have been around for over 20 years. In fact, it is estimated that over 62% of US households have at least one DVR.1

What does this mean for you? It means more consumers are fast forwarding through your TV commercials. This doesn’t necessarily mean TV commercials are dead. There are a few important details to take into consideration when creating a new TV commercial for your dealership.

Here are three helpful tips to get your message across to your customers even if they fast forward:

1. Place your logo and phone number on the top of the screen.

The DVR control panel covers up the lower third of the screen. By placing your logo and phone number at the top of the screen you ensure your information can be seen.

2. Be consistent.

If you focus on flashing or fading your phone number, logo, and URL on and off the screen, the viewer won’t see it.

3. Keep your logo and phone number on the screen the entire commercial.

Even if the viewer selects to fast forward, the same message will display on the screen the entire time.


In the age of DVR, it’s easy for your television advertisement to get lost, but if you make a few minor adjustments to your already successful campaigns you will still be seen and will reach your customers.

1Leichtman Research Group

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Katie earned a bachelor’s degree in Media Management with a minor in Business from Ohio University in Athens, Ohio. She was a Marketing Communications Professional at Reynolds and Reynolds in Dayton.

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