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Kiosks and Service Advisors: The Perfect Pair

Service kiosk station
Article Highlights:

  • Kiosks and service advisors can each have a role in service.
  • You see the most benefit when the two work together.

Kiosks. Everywhere you look today, you can find a kiosk nearby. Many people appreciate the convenience they can offer and the tech-savvy experience, but others argue kiosks take away the ability to build relationships with customers.

So, where can we find the middle ground? The answer is in service departments.

Many times kiosks and service advisors are pitted against one another. However, there is no reason for them to be. Both kiosks and advisors can work together in a service department, each performing their own role.

A kiosk can complete menial service tasks. This can be updating contact information, displaying recall notifications, or even offering an appraisal. A kiosk is built to handle tasks that are quick and easy.

Leave your service advisors to handle the tasks that provide more value for customers. This includes customer follow-up, reviewing Multi-Point recommendations, discussing previously declined services, or just talking with customers who prefer face-to-face communication.

When you utilize a kiosk, you don’t need to worry about a backed up service drive or heavy walk-in traffic. You don’t need to worry about rekeying customer information and having duplicate name files. And when customers use a kiosk, you are able to present upsell opportunities every time.

When you give customers the freedom to get help on their terms by giving them options to choose from, their satisfaction increases. The experience feels more personalized to them. If someone is in for a quick express service, they can go to the kiosk and get in and out of the dealership quickly. If they have a more complicated issue, they can discuss it with the advisor.

Automotive retail is a customer-centered business and that isn’t going to change anytime soon. Service departments who have seen the most success with kiosks are also service departments with the best employees and best relationships with their customers.

Kiosks and service advisors are the perfect pair. They operate best when they work together, not individually.

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Vice President and Founder, GoMoto

As the Vice President and founder of GoMoto, Todd oversees growth and operations for the brand. He brings more than 20 years of experience in building, leading, and scaling organizations positioned for rapid growth. Prior to GoMoto, Todd served in various executive positions in multimedia research, business strategy, sales, and commercial operations.

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