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The Best of Fuel – Most Read Articles in 2019

Best of Fuel 2019
Article Highlights:

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It’s December already? Where did the time go? 2019 is almost over but before we look forward to 2020, let’s look back on the most popular Fuel articles from this year. Our most viewed posts covered a wide range of dealership departments. Everything from quick tips to boost utilization to warnings against potential threats to your business. Below are the articles our readers found most helpful in 2019:

  1. ERA-IGNITE Keyboard Shortcuts (With Printable Reference Sheet)
    Keyboard shortcuts can do wonders for your everyday tasks. Learn about some of the most common shortcuts.
  2. Your Advisors Need to Stop Calling Customers
    Studies show customers prefer to communicate through text messaging. Find out what that means for your service department.
  3. The Lost Art of the Needs Assessment
    Stop jumping into negotiations head first. Learn about how asking questions can make a sale go much smoother.
  4. 5 Tips for Taking Fantastic “Meet the Team” Photos of Your Staff
    Professional photos of your staff help make a great first impression. Learn best practices that can transform your “Meet the Team” webpage.
  5. Customize the Look of your ERA-IGNITE or POWER Screens
    You have several options to customize the color of the screens you work in every day. Learn how and see some examples of different color schemes.
  6. Theft Series: How does employee theft happen?
    Part 1: What factors contribute to theft motivation?
    Part 2: What happens leading up to the theft?
    Part 3: What can your dealership do to protect against theft?
  7. The Numbers Behind Employee Theft
    Theft is more prevalent than anyone wants to believe. Learn about the statistics surrounding frequency and scope of theft in dealerships.
  8. 5 Things Every Dealership Should Do to Prepare for the Future
    Don’t become complacent. Never stop preparing for an uncertain future. Learn about what steps you can take to future-proof your dealership.
  9. System Upkeep: Clearing Dirty Core Inventory
    Improve cash flow by returning dirty core inventory to your supplier. Learn how to update your inventory in ERA-IGNITE.
  10. Mousetrap Series: Increase efficiency in the parts department by using your keyboard
    Part 1: Keystroke Comparison on Common Tasks (ERA® vs ERA-IGNITE)
    Part 2: 3 Tips to Speed Up Parts Processing in ERA-IGNITE
    Part 3: How well do you know the Dirty Dozen keyboard shortcuts?

Thanks for being a part of the Fuel community in 2019! Know someone that could benefit from receiving these helpful articles in their inbox monthly? Send them a link to subscribe: http://fuel.reyrey.com/subscribe/.

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Senior Vice President, Marketing, Reynolds and Reynolds

Kasi Edwards is senior vice president of marketing at Reynolds and Reynolds. She is responsible for all marketing, including branding, advertising, communications, market research, and delivery of dealership marketing services. During her 23-year career with Reynolds, she’s built an accomplished background in sales, marketing, and product management.

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